Special structure and ridged surface allows for scraping, hitting and pressing and massaging of Meridian points. Detoxifies and improves blood circulation through Meridians. Prevents various illnesses,aches and sores.
经络保健拍特点 :
- 本拍的专利在于拍子的点状面上。
- 本拍有拍、掐、点、刮等多种使用方法。
- 能够有效排毒及加强血液循环。
Flapping (Pai Da) therapy is the utilisation of patting and slapping on the external skin to “draw out” or get rid of poisonous wastes contained in the body. “Pai Da” stimulates blood circulation, and enhance metabolism, there would then be clearing of body wastes, and illnesses. The important key of Pai Da, is to be able to hold in own strength, never over own endurance. After slapping, “Sha” will appear. Sha is known as “poisonous blood” which indicates the body waste and illnesses. Therefore Sha will only appear at unhealthy parts of the body. It has different colors which indicates different health situations. The darker it is, the more poisonous it is.
形状: 点状—热、累块—寒、潮红—正常
凡见积滞黑色者,多是长期的慢性病患或长期服食中、西药,以致毒素的积滞表现和循环障碍的严重表现。 积滞反应物自然消失的时间为: 运动员1~2天,年轻人或身体体质强壮者3~5天,中年人或缺少锻炼的人一般7天,老年人或身体虚弱者7~10天,体质弱的病人往往10~20天以上。
适用范围 :
改善微循环障碍,通经活络、排毒、强身健体、止 痛,特别是对于保健和预防疾病都有着极其重大的实用价值。
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